The Fog Engineers H.Ikeuchi & Co.,LTD


IKEUCHI at IFAI Expo 2018 (Dallas, USA)

September 11, 2018
Date & Opening hours October 15–18, 2018
Venue Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center, Dallas, TX, USA
Booth No. 1055
IKEUCHI USA, INC. is exhibiting at the IFAI Expo 2018 held in Dallas, TX, USA.
The Industrial Fabrics Association International (IFAI) Expo has been regarded as the industrial fabric industry’s flagship show for commerce, networking, and knowledge. 
At IFAI Expo, where more than 5,000 visitors are expected, 800 exhibitors on the combined show floor represent various markets in the industrial textile/fabrics industry including specialty fabrics, advanced textiles, smart fabrics, shade and weather protection, and more.
IKEUCHI USA will exhibit our Dry Fog Humidifier AKIMist® "E", which helps prevent yarn breakage due to drying out and airborne dust and fluff.
In the yarn-making factory, humidifying the entire factory or spraying dry fog directly on the production line prevent yarn breakage caused by drying, and reducing machine stoppage.
Starting with world leading textile manufacturers in India and then throughout Asia, to the fashion center of Italy, to Eastern Europe, the USA, and even alpaca fiber mills in South America, our Dry Fog humidification system is being adopted worldwide.
Please visit us at our booth and feel free to ask us regarding any materials for the collection of information, our various installation examples, consultation or exchange of ideas.  
Attendee Registration:
Free passcode: EP295


  • Dry Fog Humidifier AKIMist® "E"

  • Portable Dry Fog Humidifier set AE-T set

Please feel free to send any request for information on the products,
or an appointment for a meeting with us in our booth.

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