The Fog Engineers H.Ikeuchi & Co.,LTD


IKEUCHI at ACHEMA (Frankfurt, Germany)

May 24, 2018
Date & Opening hours June 11–15, 2018 (Monday to Thursday: 9:00–18:00, Friday: 9:00–16:00)
Venue Exhibition grounds of Messe Frankfurt GmbH in Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Booth No. D27 (Hall 6.1)
World Exhibition Congress on Chemical Engineering, Environmental Protection and Biotechnology, ACHEMA welcomed 3,813 exhibitors and 166,000 visitors worldwide, three years ago.  
Focused on highly complex industry, ACHEMA's focal topics this year are chemical and biotechnological processes, digital integration of the value chain, and digitization of the logistics chain in chemical and pharma industries. 
This year, IKEUCHI EUROPE B.V. will be attending with our own atomizing technology in the Thermal Processes Hall 6.1.
  • We will present our solution for Environmental Protection:
  • - Denitration nozzles such as DOVVA-G series and SETOJet series
  • - Desulfurization nozzles such as TAA series and TWAA series
  • - Gas cooling nozzles such as GSIMII series, ASPB series and SPB series
  • - Tank cleaner rotating nozzles such as SR series and ROTARY JETTER RJ series
  • - Dust suppression and Odor elimination with the Dry Fog humidifier AKIMist "E"
We will be demonstrating our spraying nozzles (hydraulic and pneumatic nozzles) and one of our optional equipment to protect our nozzles (retracting mount equipment). 
Our Sales Engineers are waiting for you at Booth D27, Hall 6.1!


Please feel free to send any request for information on the products,
or an appointment for a meeting with us in our booth.

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